Friday 3 February 2012

Bored~ Seriously.. =.="

Assalamualaikum n selamat petang/malam geng2..

cam tajuk post nie, ak mengisytiharkan yang ak sekarang nie bosan giler... ak rasa mood mengdownload ak dah turun.. dah masuk 2 minggu ak tak berhenti mengdownload nie.. download pe? download movie, games n lagu.. movie pulak ak tengok sikit2 je.. skip je banyak.. malas nak tengok yang cakap2 tu.. game pun sama.. =="

Yea.. impress me.. i really need some jokes or something right now.. n right now, my face is exactly like this cat.. without the fur of course.. n that nose.. impress me.. =.= do something funny.. i dont care.. or just sit right beside me until i fall asleep.. =.= i just need some1 to acompany me.. im bored.. =="

hey, do u guys want the website where i download all my movies? i got nothing to lose so here u go ~~~> well, that website is not mine.. so thank the admin of the website for updating the movies almost everyday.. thank errrr.... admin.. i dont know ur name so i just gonna call u admin k.. =.=

right now 1 of my friends, Ayu a.k.a Shou is sick.. while Ryei still busy with her homeworks i guess.. facebook feels kinda empty without both of them.. =.=" bored..

right now, i kept on listening the same song coz.. i dont know why.. but i like it..

Bullet for My Valentine, Say Goodnight.. u like it too? good! u want the lyric too? go search for it by urself.. im not ur mom or dad.. =.=

man, this 1 person really annoy me.. she keep on posting her pics in facebook.. its really annoying sista.. post all her pics n ask others is it cute or not.. come on sister.. why u keep on asking the same question? n ur pics? its all the same! why u no stop posting ur pics?

  Im bored!!! help me.. well, if there's any1 out there bored like me, i got something 4 u.. just found it in google.. its funny.. i like it..

thats all for today.. see u guys anywhere, anytime..

Assalamualaikum n chow~~

Thursday 2 February 2012

Fuck Racism~!!!

benda nie la paling ak tak suka.. sampai mati ak xnak trima benda nie.. sebab iri hati kat bangsa len, sebab benci bangsa len lebih maju dari bangsa sendri, sebab rasa bangsa sendiri hebat sangat, n sebab otak tu bodoh sangat tak nak bfikir.. tu la yang mcipta racism..

tengok bangsa len maju, kutuk tak abis2.. bila rasa bangsa sendiri lagi maju dari yang len, bangsa len kene kutuk gak.. nie la orang2 yang bfkiran sempit.. xyah mintak kat ak contoh2 orang yang racist nie.. korang bleh cari sendri.. kat facebook melambak..

ak minta maaf kalau de yang terasa tapi nie la hakikat hidup kita kat dunia nie.. sebab ego kita mluap2 nak bangsa kita maju, kita jatuhkan yang len.. patut ke macam tu.. ingat bangsa kita je ke nak makan.. yang len nak makan gak.. huh..

kalau bleh, ak tak nak ada racism lagi kat dunia nie.. sebab benda cmnie la kita tak akan maju.. pemikiran kita jadi sempit, penuh dengan kebencian n dendam.. orang bodoh je yang suka sangat men2 pasal perkauman nie..

tu je dari ak tuk hari nie..



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